Hi all,Yesterday November 1, TNT made an announcement on the official Neoboards that The Void Within will be paused at the end of the current Chapter 7, which is due to conclude on Sunday November 10.

Hello Neopians 

We’re pausing the Void Within plot between Chapters 7 and 8 to make exciting improvements based on your feedback. Thank you all for your energy and insights — your involvement has been incredible!

During this brief break, plot-related activities like void point collection, battles, volunteering, comics, and achievements will pause.

We have plenty of holiday events planned for the rest of this year, and The Void Within will return after the holiday season in early 2025!

Check out our FAQ below for more details. Rest assured, you’ll be able to complete your plot goals and face new BD challenges when we’re back!


The Neopets Team

Upon further inspection of the FAQ page, it is advised that certain activities will pause prior to the November 10 date:
  1. Buying and activating double plot point cookies: November 1st
  2. Void essence collection: November 8th
  3. Volunteering at the Neohospital: November 9th
  4. Fighting plot challengers: November 9th
  5. Reading comics from the current chapter: November 11th
It is believed that according to the FAQ page that the changes Neopets will look to introduce to the plot include:
  1. Bug fixes
  2. More difficult battledome challengers
  3. New battledome and prize items
  4. More games
  5. Daily activities will be rebalanced to allow players to enjoy the plot at a more relaxed pace.
  6. The plot pacing will be re-arranged to improve story cadence.It is to be noted that the FAQ information has previously not been 100% accurate, however if we receive any other intro that contradicts any of the above, we will be sure to update you!
You can also be sure to visit our plot page for all of the detailed information.

The Void Within Plot

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