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Faerie Crossword

February 10

5. ONE
13. OUCH
15. SPY
10. NOVA
12. ART

Daily Puzzle

February 10

Which of the following Lost Desert fruits is not really a fruit at all?


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Faerie Abilities List

There are lots of different abilities you can gain for your pet. Here you can see some charts of what blessing your pet with each faerie can get you. Please take note of the level your pet needs to be to get the ability.

You can only use a bottled faerie once, so make sure you don’t waste it.

Once you have blessed your pets and gained the abilities you want, go to the Abilities page and activate them, also accessible on the drop-down menu on your pets in the Quick Ref page.

Air Faerie Abilities


LevelPictureAbility NameDescription
1SparkSparkA gentle bolt of electricity will help fend off your enemies.Effect: None
5Air ShieldAir ShieldGusts of wind encircle your creature when it is attacked and help fend off incoming blows.Effect:
8HasteHasteYour pet becomes faster in movement and combat.Effect:
10Thunder TailThunder TailThe mighty Thunder Tail attack.Effect: None
12FlightFlightThis will allow your creature to take to the skies and fly.Effect: None
17DiveDiveDive into combat and surprise your enemy with this attacking advantage!Effect:
21InvisibilityInvisibilityThis will make you safe from attack. Well, as long as your enemies do not rely on their sense of smell.Effect: None
26Diamond DustDiamond DustEffect: (This icon does no damage)
Freezing Ability!May freeze opponent! A better chance than Fiery Gaze (will disappear for rest of battle after a successful freeze)
30TeleportTeleportEffect: None


Water Faerie Abilities



LevelPictureAbility NameDescription
1HealHealWith this, your creature gains the ability to heal itself.Effect: 1 to 57 hit points
3Bubble ShieldBubble ShieldAlthough not a strong shield, this bubble will protect your pet for a short period of time.Effect: None
6Water JetWater JetAllows your pet to shoot a powerful jet of water at an enemy.Effect:
9QuenchQuenchQuenching the flames of fire-type creatures will give you an advantage against them in combat.Effect: Defends against all (will disappear for the rest of the battle once it successfully blocks)
12Steam ShieldSteam ShieldThe steam shield is a gaseous force field that deflects light attacks. Its effects are temporary.Effect: Defends against all (will disappear for the rest of the battle once it successfully blocks)
16Water BreathingWater BreathingThis magical ability allows your pet to survive underwater for long periods of time.Effect: Defends against all (will disappear for the rest of the battle once it successfully blocks)
20Water of LifeWater of LifeThis ability allows your Neopet to create magical healing waters.Effect: On Strong, 24% of your lost hit points on your previous move
26Healing VapourHealing VapourEffect: On Strong, 33% of your lost hit points on your previous move
30Watery GuardianWatery GuardianEffect:


Light Faerie Abilities



LevelPictureAbility NameDescription
1Magic TorchMagic TorchThe Magic Torch lights up dark areas and never goes out.Effect:
4FlashFlashBlind your enemies with this flash and escape from combat easily.Effect: None
7BlessBlessWhen your Neopet has been blessed, it will heal faster and also become stronger in combat.Effect: 5 to 30 hit points
10Sun RaySun RayA bright beam of sunlight that will help you defeat evil creatures.Effect:
13Psychic BlastPsychic BlastA psychic blast may overwhelm weak-minded opponents.Effect: None
17Mote DanceMote DanceSmall motes will circle around your creature, protecting it from harm.Effect: None
22RestoreRestoreRestores some of your Neopet’s health, and negates any bad things that may have happened to it.Effect: On Strong, 33% of your lost hit points on your previous move
28AscensionAscensionEffect: None


Dark Faerie Abilities



LevelPictureAbility NameDescription
2Night VisionNight VisionNight Vision allows your pet to see at night.Effect:
4NighttimeNighttimeDarkens an illuminated area.Effect: None
7Temporal LeakTemporal LeakCreates a bubble of slow time that will slow down all creatures that come near you.Effect: None
10ShroudShroudMakes you 99% invisible to creatures of good faith.Effect: None
12Demon BreathDemon BreathYour pet’s demon breath releases a fearful stench that prevents most creatures from coming closer.Effect: None
17Shadow HealthShadow HealthThis will allow you to extend your creature’s maximum life by borrowing defence from the shadow plane.Effect: 1 to 8 hit points
21Drain LifeDrain LifeThis evil ability allows you to steal health from another Neopet in combat.Effect: Takes 11% of your opponent’s hit points, up to a maximum of 100, and transfers them to your pet (once per battle)
30SinkSinkEffect: Defends against 97.5% of all of the following icon types (once per battle)



Fire Faerie Abilities



LevelPictureAbility NameDescription
1Smoke ScreenSmoke ScreenEscaping from combat is easier if you can hide yourself in a smoke screen.Effect: None
3Fiery RoarFiery RoarThis loud roar is sure to scare away even the most fearsome of enemies.Effect: None
6Fiery GazeFiery GazeBy using the fiery gaze ability your pet can hypnotize weak-minded creatures and force them to do its bidding.Effect: (This icon does no damage)
Freezing Ability!May freeze opponent (will disappear for rest of battle after a successful freeze)
8FireballFireballThis powerful ability lets your pet shoot magical fireballs at its enemies.Effect: None
12War CryWar CryRushing into combat with a war cry will make your Neopet more aggressive.Effect: None
15Lava SpitLava SpitYour pet gains the ability to spit a bolt of molten hot lava at an enemy.Effect:
19Song of the VolcanoSong of the VolcanoThe song of the volcano gives you protection when roaming the hot lands of Neopia.Effect:
24BoilBoilInvoking the power of flame against water will give you a powerful advantage against water creatures.Effect: Defends against all (will disappear for rest of battle once it successfully blocks)
28Meteor ShowerMeteor ShowerEffect:


Earth Faerie Abilities



LevelPictureAbility NameDescription
1Magic PebblesMagic PebblesThis allows you to animate the rocks around you and fire pebbles at your enemies.Effect:
3Tough SkinTough SkinThe power of the earth will harden your pet’s skin, making it more difficult to hit.Effect:
6Magic BerriesMagic BerriesCreates magical berries for your Neopet or its friends, to eat.Effect: If under level 50, can give you 1 to 4 Magic Berries, each of which heal 3 to 9 hit points when used
10BurrowBurrowBy activating this ability, your pet will burrow out of harm’s way when trying to evade combat.Effect: Defends against 97.5% of all of the following icon types (once per battle)
12NeggNeggCreates a juicy Negg for your pet.Effect: If under level 50, can give you 1 to 4 Basic Healing Neggs, each of which heal 5 hit points when used
15Twisting VinesTwisting VinesThis ability summons vines from the forest to twist around and attack your opponents.Effect: +
19Great FeastGreat FeastCreate a feast fit for a king with this powerful ability.Effect: 2 to 5 Magic Apples depending on your level; each apple heals 2 to 21 hit points
23RegenerationRegenerationThe power of the earth will help your pet naturally heal faster than others.Effect: On Strong, 33% of your lost hit points on your previous move
30Stone LegionStone LegionEffect: None

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