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The below layouts are used specifically for ModernNeopets. You can edit them to your liking through the variables at the very top of each CSS code. Have fun with it and enjoy! Check out our Neopets Pet Lookups as well!

You can easily import every CSS code without copying it all. You will notice in the below CSS boxes there will be the below code in yellow. All you have to do is replace the lookup-code with the name of … the lookup code! (e.g. pastel-playgrounds, retro-requiem, etc.)

@import url(https://www.sketchedneo.com/wp-content/usercontent/fileupload/CSS/lookup-name.css);

Pastel Playgrounds

Pastel Playgrounds Lookup Preview


[center][h4][b][name]'s[/b] Hoard of Treasure [/h4][/center]
[div class="treasure-chest"]
    [*][img]https://www.moderneopets.com/images/items/alchemy-experimenter.gif[/img] Alchemy Experimenter
    [*][img]https://www.moderneopets.com/images/items/sparkle-potion.gif[/img] Sparkle Potion
    [*][img]https://www.moderneopets.com/images/items/cooling-balm-of-the-warrior.gif[/img] Cooling Balm of the Warrior
    [*][img]https://www.moderneopets.com/images/items/bubbling-fungus.gif[/img] Bubbling Fungus
  [url="YOUR GALLERY LINK"]Visit Gallery [img]https://www.moderneopets.com/images/petcentral/gallery.png[/img][/url]
  [url="YOUR WISHLIST LINK"]Check Wishlist [img]https://www.moderneopets.com/images/items/ancient-shopping-list-scroll.gif[/img][/url]
[div class="credits"]Profile by [url="https://www.moderneopets.com/userlookup/316"]Lyonid[/url]. Get it on [url="https://www.sketchedneo.com/"]SketchedNeo![/url][/div]


@import url(https://www.sketchedneo.com/wp-content/usercontent/fileupload/CSS/pastel-playgrounds.css);

:root {
  --main-font: 'Sen', sans-serif;
  --body-background: #fff;
  --link-color: rgba(102, 57, 98, 1);
  --header-font-color: ;
  /* Replace media with another image or a colour value  */
  --header-media: url(https://images.neopets.com/backgrounds/chombybk.gif);
  --header-height: 6em;
  --header-font-size: 3em;
  --header-font-color: #424242;
  --statistics-color: #e8f7ff;
  --greeting-size: 1em;
  --description-background-color: white;
  --description-font-color: #424242;
  --description-header-background-color: #d1d1d1;
  --description-header-font-color: white;
  --button-color: #ffd4fd;
  --page-button-text: 'Pet Page';
  --next-button-text: 'Next';
  --back-button-text: 'Back';
  --message-button-text: 'Message';

Retro Requiem

Retro Requiem Lookup Preview



Yo, [url="#"]a link[/url]?!
[b]I love the vaporwave aesthetic.[/b] (And this is what an AI had to say about it)

[b]Vaporwave[/b] – [i]the vaporwave aesthetic – is a catchall term for music made using consumer media in a hyper-intricate, fractal way, to feel like it's all being pulled from one infinitely large source.[/i] I absolutely love the vaporwave aesthetic – the way technology plays a role in creating modern art, and how musicians and artisans all pull inspiration from everything that exists in their immediate surroundings.

It can feel that there's only a small handful of places that are truly innovative and exploring the modern world. That feeling is quickly vanquished when you discover that vaporwave is still out there, in all its glorious, lost-in-time, hyper-compressed glory. It doesn't matter how much technology has changed – all the devices we own become little more than noise. The air we breathe – the clarity of our lungs, the essence of life – are still clearly defined.

Everything is in flux, of course.


@import url(https://www.sketchedneo.com/wp-content/usercontent/fileupload/CSS/retro-requiem.css);

:root {
    --primary-color: #ae30f3;
    --secondary-color: #2941f7;
    --text-font: 'Viga', sans-serif;
    --header-font: 'Audiowide', sans-serif;
    --content-font-color: #e1fcff;
    --description-font-color: black;
    --description-font-size: 150%;
    --description-background-color: white;
    --background-media: radial-gradient(circle, var(--primary-color) 0%, var(--secondary-color) 100%);
    --content-background: #f4faff47;
    --neon-border: 0 0 15px 15px var(--primary-neon-color), inset 0 0 5px 5px var(--primary-neon-color);
    --primary-neon-color: #63f2ff;
    --secondary-neon-color: #fff;
    --primary-content-color: rgb(255, 165, 220);
    --secondary-content-color: rgba(9, 0, 113, .4);
    --bottom-media: url(https://i.imgur.com/6OxkH9i.gif)/* Put funny gif here! */

Tabula Rasa



Yo, [url="#"]a link[/url]?!
[b]IT ALL IS BLANK[/b] [i](So fill it up)[/i]


@import url(https://www.sketchedneo.com/wp-content/usercontent/fileupload/CSS/tabula-rasa.css);

:root {  
--primary-color: #fff;
  --secondary-color: #fff;
  --text-font: 'Vollkorn', sans-serif;
  --header-font: 'Tinos', sans-serif;
  --content-font-color: #343434;
  --description-font-color: #343434;
  --description-font-size: 150%;
  --description-background-color:rgba(200, 200, 200, .2);
  --background-media: radial-gradient(circle, var(--primary-color) 0%, var(--secondary-color) 100%);
  --content-background: #ffffff47;
  --neon-border: 0 0 15px 15px var(--primary-neon-color), inset 0 0 5px 5px var(--primary-neon-color);
  --primary-neon-color: transparent;
  --secondary-neon-color: #040000;
  --primary-content-color: rgb(200, 200, 200);
  --secondary-content-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.4);
  --bottom-media: url(https://images.neopets.com/images/buddy/aim_aisha_awake.gif);

Pumpkin Trick


[div class="bag"]
[div class="bag-image"][/div]


@import url(https://www.sketchedneo.com/wp-content/usercontent/fileupload/CSS/pumpkin-trick.css);

:root {
    --font-family: 'Trykker', serif;
    /* Import custom fonts first */
    --text-color: #bfffd1;
    --content-background: black;
    /* The background of the sections and headings */
    --outer-background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, transparent, transparent 87px, #262d24 87px, #262d24 174px);
    --outer-background-color: #434b3f;
    --inner-background: url(https://images.neopets.com/backgrounds/jackolantern.gif);
    --description-name: 'Bag of Treats';
    --description-name-color: white;
    --bag-image-1: url(https://images.neopets.com/halloween/spooky_suprise/hall_bowl_purple.png);
    --bag-image-2: url(https://images.neopets.com/halloween/spooky_suprise/hall_bowl_purple_ov.png);
    --image-shadow: 0 0 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
    --content-border: 5px solid #fffce6;

Sour Treat


[div class="bag"]
[div class="bag-image"][/div]


@import url(https://www.sketchedneo.com/wp-content/usercontent/fileupload/CSS/sour-treat.css);

:root {
    --font-family: 'Nunito', serif;
    /* Import custom fonts first */
    --text-color: #ffd9d9;
    --content-background: #823131;
    /* The background of the sections and headings */
    --outer-background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, transparent, transparent 50px, #d6c1ea 50px, #d6c1ea 100px);
    --outer-background-color: #fadcfb;
    --inner-background: url(https://images.neopets.com/backgrounds/yummy_candy.gif);
    --description-name: 'Bowl of Tricks';
    --description-name-color: #6e5353;
    --bag-image-1: url(https://images.neopets.com/halloween/spooky_suprise/hall_bowl_orange.png);
    --bag-image-2: url(https://images.neopets.com/halloween/spooky_suprise/hall_bowl_orange_ov.png);
    --image-shadow: 0 0 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
    --content-border: 5px solid #fffce6

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All layout coding and any content not containing Neopets images is © SketchedNeo 2006-2024.
Under no circumstances is any content to be used on any other website. All rights reserved. Redistribution prohibited.