Title: Caption Contest Funny Avatar
You need to go the Caption Contest, but please remember, you can only get the avatar ever 100 captions contests.
Title: Colourful Korbat Avatar
You need to visit any Rainbow Korbat petpage or simply go here.
Title: Cracked Baby Pteri Avatar
You need to find a Baby Pteri pet or you can go here.
Title: Darigan Peophin Avatar
Find a Darigan Peophin or you can go here.
Title: Dr. Death Avatar
You need to go here for this avatar.
Title: Faerie Grundo Avatar
You need to find a Faerie Grundo for these avatar or you can go HERE
Title: Fiery Pteri Avatar
You need to visit a Fire Pteri petpage or go here.
Title: Freaky Factory Yoinked Avatar
You need to score a score of 1250 in the game Freaky Factory.
Title: Goldy Avatar
You need to visit a pet that has a Goldy attached to it as a petpet, you can go here if you like.
Title: Grey Faerie Avatar
You need to click on the Grey Faerie's neopedia to get this avatar.
Title: Grundo Warehouse Avatar
Go look at the Grundo Warehouse and see where it says "Older 10 character codes", you need to type in A384J for the input box, and 228P1 in the second box. You then will be led to a page that says you got the avatar.
Title: Helpful Zafara Avatar
Go to the Help and type in 'avatar' in the search toolbar that is under Sarah the Zafara. Once you get to the avatar help page, keeping refreshing the page, until a random event shows up at the bottom of the page.
Title: I *heart* Happiness Avatar
You must have the 'I *heart* Sloth' selected as your current avatar. Then go here and keep refreshing until you get the new avatar.
Title: It's Alive [Faellie] Avatar
All you need to do, is find a pet with a Faellie attached to it as a petpet, or you can go find one here.
Title: Jeran Hero Avatar
You need to go Chapter 7 in the Battle for Meridell plot. You will probably have to refresh a bit.
Title: Kass Minion Avatar
Go visit Lord Kass in the 'Gallery of Evil' or simply click here.
Title: Lenny Plushie Avatar
To get these, you need to be in the first 250 people to answer the Lenny Conunndrum correctly.
Title: MAGAX: Destroyer Avatar
To get these avatar, you need to get 1300+ points in MAGAX: Destroyer.
Title: Maraquan Krawk Avatar
You can look up a Maraquan Krawk or go to these link right here You will get this avatar and a nice random event. Please Note that the text on the pet page is a little odd because of the CSS on the look-up.
Title: Not For Wreathale Avatar
You need to visit a pet with a Wreathy attached as a petpet, or go here.
Title: OHMGEE Avatar
You need to visit a Royal Bruce or you can go here.
Title: Pick your own Dung Avatar
You need to play the Pick Your Own game. You need to gain 6 items (non-dung) from the farm area. (If you DO pick up some dung, just click on it to discard it from your basket.)
Title: Pirate! Aisha Avatar
To get this avatar you must go to Room 45.
Title: Pirate! Krawk Avatar
To get this avatar you need to go to Room 2.
Title: Pirate! Scorchio Avatar
To get this avatar you must go to Room 2149
Title: Pirate! Shoyru Avatar
To get this avatar you must go to Room 15
Title: Plushie Eyrie Avatar
To get this avatar you need to clear your NeoHTML and NeoSignature till it is blank. Then set your avatar to the 'default' avatar. Post a message in the Neopets Message Boards with the word 'squawk' only. Your post will not go though, but instead it will come up with a page thats says you have gotten the avatar.
Title: Redeemed Avatar
Go to the Darigan Chambers page if you fought in the last war and was on Lord Dargians Side, If you were on the Meridell side, you will not get this avatar. Your last war sheild HAD to be Dargian to get this avatar.
Title: Techo Master Avatar
To get the this avatar go here.
Title: Usukicon Shopkeeper Usal Avatar
To get this avatar you need to go to Usukiland and click on Usukiland Advert right below the shopkeeper and you will automatically get this avatar.
Title: Usukicon Usukicon Usuls Avatars
To get this avatar you need to go to Usukiland and click on Usukiland Advert right below the shopkeeper and you will automatically get this avatar.
Title: Vexed Avatar
To get these avatar you need to play the game cellblock, It is completely random, so you don't know when you will get the avatar, But it is confirmed that the lowest level of tourney is #7.
Title: Wheel of Monotony Avatar
To get this avatar go to the Wheel of Monotony and spin the wheel, you need to land on the '?' mark to get this avatar.
Title: Yurble Avatar
These avatar is very simple to get. You simply need to click on a yurble's lookup or go here.
Pet & PetPet Related.
Title: Angelpuss Avatar
Equip a Angelpuss to your active pet. Click Quick Ref and keep on refreshing until the random event happens at the bottom of the screen.
Title: Bless you, Shoyru! Avatar
Bless your Shoyru a Bottled Faerie. Note: Might be a small chance that you will not get it the first time. If it doesn't work, bless your Shoyru again.
Title: Buzzin' Avatar
You must have the random event of having a Fountain Quest. Paint your Buzz any color through the Fountain Faerie.
Title: Coconut Jubjub Avatar
Feed your Coconut Jubjub a Coconut Cocktail.
Title: Drackonack Hungry Avatar
Have a Drackonack and a Cheese or Vegan Cheese side by side in your Inventory. Refresh until it eats the cheese.
Title: Elephante Surprise Avatar
Feed your Elephante a Bag of Peanuts.
Title: Ghost Lupe Avatar
You must defeat the Ghost Lupe in the Battledome
Title: Grey Wocky "Sigh" Avatar
You have to own a Grey pet and visit the Pet lookup.
Title: Gruslen Avatar
Have an any colored/non-colored Gruslen equipped to one of your pets for at least 100 days. Then view the equipped pet's lookup
Title: Huggy Avatar
Have a Huggy attached to your pet for 100+ days. and then visit your pets lookup.
Title: Island Quiggle Avatar
You have to own a Island Quiggle and visit Quick Ref.
Title: Kacheek Swim Avatar
Have your Kacheek as your active pet then visit the beach.
Title: Kougra Fire Paw Avatar
Put the Card "Fire Paw" into your NeoDeck
Title: Mazzew Avatar
Have a Mazzew equipped to oneof your pets for at least 250 days. Then view the equipped pet's lookup
Title: Meowclops Avatar
Equip a Meowclops to your active pet. Click Quick Ref and keep on refreshing until the random event happens at the bottom of the screen.
Title: Mootix Avatar
Equip a Mootix to your active petpet by refreshing your Inventory until it has been equipped. Click Quick Ref and keep on refreshing until the random event happens at the bottom of the screen.
Title: Mutant Jubjub Avatar
Use a JubJub Transmogrification Potion on any of your pets.
Title: Orange Grundo Avatar
You have to own a Orange Grundo and visit Quick Ref.
Title: Slorg Avatar
Equip any colored or non-colored Slorg to your pet for 101 days. Then view the equipped pet's lookup.
Title: Snicklebeast Avatar
Have a Snowicklebeast equiped to your pet for 61+ days then view the quick refrence
Title: Snorkle Avatar
Feed a Snorkle Snout to your pet.
Title: Snotty Avatar
Defeat Meuka in the Battledome
Title: Whee! Snowbunny Avatar
Have a Snowbunny equipped to your pet for a year. Then view the equipped pet's lookup
Title: Wicked Lenny Avator
Feed your Lenny a spooky food
Title: Windy Harris Avatar
Have a Harris equipped to your pet for at least a 100 days. Then view the equipped pet's lookup
Game Related.
Title: Ace Zafara
You must score a score of atleast 550 in the game Advent Attack.
Title: Aisha Scalawag Avatar
You need to pick a winning treasure spot in the game Treasure of the Black Pawkeet. Though it appears to be completely random if you get the avatar or not.
Title: Attack of the Slorgs Avatar
You need to score a score of 1000+ on the game Attack of the Slorg. These is the Lowest confirmed score so far.
Title: Better Than You
Defeat an opponent at Better Than You.
Title: Bilge Dice Avatar
Score a 24, beat everyone, and score a one and four to pass the level Bilge Dice.
Note: It will happen sometimes after following the above steps.
Title: BrightVale Avatar
You need to spin the Wheel of Knowledge and land on the 8 pointed star mark.
Title: Bunninator NQII Avatar
Beat a Bionic Bunny (or any ordinary monster) in chapter 5 of NeoQuest II.
Title: Capara Avatar
Beat Capara on the 1st round of Cheat.
Title: Chia Bomber Avatar
Score 1300 or more in Chia Bomber.
Title: Clliffhanger - Game Over Avatar
You need to play the game Cliffhanger and type in a wrong answer, I put 'Hi There Neo' and got this avatar.
Title: Deadly Dice Avatar
Play Deadly Dice at NST midnight. Tie with Count Roo at least one time, then win. You can also lose this avatar if you draw on the first roll, but lose on the second.
Title: DeskSwabber Avatar
You need to gain a score of 825 or more in the game DeskSwabber.
Title: Dice Escape Avatar
You need to score a score of 1000+ on the game Dice Escape.
Title: Dice-A-Roo Avatar
You need to win the jackpot in the game Dice-A-Roo.
Title: Dr. Grumps Avatar
Score 900 points or more in Gourmet Club Bowls. Type in shepherd once the game loads (it will automatically take you to the first round) and it will double your score.
Title: Edna Cackle Avatar
This avatar comes from random quests from Edna in the Witch's Tower
Title: Eliv Thade Avatar
Score 1200 points or more in Evil Thade.
Title: Illusen's Glade Avatar
Complete Level 20 and up in Illusen's Glade.
Title: IOM Avatar
You need to play Invasion Of Meridell some people have gottem the avatars by simply clicking the link, others have gotten the avatar on Misson Battle 1 and above.
Title: Jester Avatar
Make a joke that will make the Grumpy Old King laugh.
Title: Jhudora's Cloud
Complete Level 20 and up in Jhudora's Cloud
Title: Kadoatie Mew Avatar
To get this avatar you need to be one of the kind, not cheap people to feed the Kadoatie's what they ask for in the Kadoatery you need to feed atleast 75 of them.
Title: King Skarl Moody Avatar
You need to tell the King a BAD joke and get thrown out of the castle.
Title: Lever of Doom Avatar
It's Random whenever the game Lever of Doom takes 100 nps from you.
Title: Library Faerie (Brainy) Avatar
You must complete the Faerie Crossword. (We put the answers to the crossword everyday on Neoexteme.com's front page) it is also completely random, so if you don't get it the first time, keep trying.
Title: Lil Devil NQII Avatar
Must beat an Dvilpuss in NQ2 chapter 5
Title: Lucky Streak Avatar
Win 10 times in a row in Bilge Dice.
Title: MAGAX: Destroyer Avatar
Score 3000 or more in MAGAX: Destroyer.
Title: Maths Nightmare Babaa
Top 50 game score for Maths Nightmare
Title: Mediocre Flotsam Avatar
These was confirmed in the editorial these week.
You MUST get the grand prize of 1,000 nps on the Wheel of Mediocre to get these avatar, it is extremely rare.
Title: Meerca Chase Avatar
The Lowest confirmed score you can get is 1250 or more in the game Meerca Chase 2 (Works with Meerca Chase II)
Title: Must... Keep... Smiling... Avatar
This avatar will appear randomly whiling playing the game Kacheek Seek.
Title: PetPet Sitter Avatar
You need to play the game PetPet Sitter and score 2500 or more points.
Title: Plushie Tycoon Avatar
Play Plushie Tycoon and have at least 50,000 NP in their Tycoon till at the end of the month's Plushie Tycoon game.
Title: Poogle Race Winner Avatar
Place a bet on one of the four poogles racing in the Poogle Racing Game, and have your poogle win.
Note:You should place a small bid, just incase you loss.
Title: Raiders of Maraqua Avatar
You need to get a score of 800 or more points in the game Raiders Of Maraqua.
Title: Sinsi Shapeshifter Avatar
To get this avatar, you need to play the game, ShapeShifter and get to level 6, but you must fully complete level 5 first, then when you get to 6 you can go back to the main page of ShapeShifter located here and you will get this avatar.
Title: Skeith Hungry Avatar
You need to play the game Jelly Processing Plant and get a score of 1000+.
Title: Smugglers Dubloon Avatar
Play the game Dubloon Disaster at the moment the lowest confirmed score is 800.
Title: Snowmuncher Avatar
You need to play the game Snowmuncher and get a score of 5000 or higher to get this avatar.
Title: Tyranu Evavu Avatar
To get this avatars, you need to play and win 15 times on the Tyranu Evavu game. But it is completely rando mafter the 15th win.
Title: Weakling NQII Avatar
Lose to a Plains Lupe using Rohane Neoquest II. Do nothing in the fight.
Title: Whack-A-Kass Avatar
Score 850 or more in the game Whack a Kass. -note- When you send score your score, you will get the following message, it is completely fake and the avatar will be added to your list.
ERROR : You do not have this avatar or it does not exist, so we cannot display it. Nice try though. 😉.
Title: Coco Roll Avatar
To get this avatar you need to download the mobile phone game Coco Roll to your mobile phone. The games costs about $4.00, these is in real money not neopoints, remember that, plus any other service charges that your mobile phone company applies for internet downloads.
Title: Fyora - Faerie Queen Avatar
To get this avatar you need to buy an artifact from the queens Hidden Tower. You won't get a random event, it will automatically added to your Avatar List.
Title: Grarrl Warrior Avatar
You need to have a Grarrl pet, and equip a 'Bony Grarrl Club' to it.
Title: Haunted Woods Stamps Avatar
You need to fill your entire Haunted Woods Stamp page to get this avatar.
Title: Lost Desert Stamps Avatar
You need to fill up your entire Lost Desert Stamp page to get this avatar.
Title: MSPP Avatar
You need to buy the Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG) and refresh your inventory to get this avatar.
Title: Mystery Island Stamps Avatar
To get this avatar, you must fill your entire Mystery Island Stamp page
Title: Number Six Avatar
To get this avatar, you need to have the same amount of neopoints as Adam, on hands at the About Us page. (This varies) usually a high number.
Title: Sloth
Random Event
Title: Space Faerie Avatar
You need to redeem at rare item code, then get the Space faerie as a battledome challenger, and then defeat her in the battledome to get these avatar.
Title: Super Attack Pea Avatar
You need to get a Pea Chia, then you need to equip it with a Super Attack Pea, then go look at the pets lookup.
Title: TNT Avatar
Right now, normal members CANNOT get this avatar. As far as anyone knows, it's just for Neopets staff.
Title: Tyrannian Stamps Avatar
You need to fill your entire Tyrannian Stamps Page to get this avatar.
Title: Virtupets Stamps Avatar
To get this avatar, you must fill your entire Virtupets Stamp page.
Other Avatars
Title: Achyfi Avatar
You need to feed your pet anything with the word 'Juice' or 'Drink' in the title. The Cheapest item is 'Can of Prune Juice'.
Title: Battle Faerie Avatar
Go to http://www.neopets.com/battledome/battledome.phtml?type=oneplayer&subtype;=challenge selecting a pet to battle, then type in javascript:MakeOnePlayerChallenge(31) into your adress box, be sure to get rid of the other link before typing in the javascript code.
(31) can be replaced by other numbers, that represent different one player battles, 31 is the Clown Chia.
After you win the battle, go and refresh the trophy page.
Title: BFM - Squished Spyders Avatar
You can only get this avatar is you fought in the Battle for Meridell war, and if you did, view your lookup.
Title: Black Pteri Avatar
You need to defeat the Black Pteri in the Battledome. You can only gain these challenger in a random event.
Title: Broken Avatar
You need to take a broken, smashed toy to Donny's Toy Repair Shop and have him fix it. Not all toys work though.
Title: Carrot Chia (Do Not Eat!) Avatar:
You need to feed your pet, anything with the word 'carrot' in it.
Title: Chocolate! Avatar
You need to buy a Gourment Food item (R90-R99) from the Chocolate FactoryBelow is a list of some items that are between R90-99:
Mint Chocolate Chia, ErgyFruit Jelly Beans, Ummagine Candy Cane, Mint Chocolate Blumaroo, Apple and Custard drops, Brussel Sprout Jelly Beans, Juppiemint Bar,Charcoal Jelly Beans,Omnipotent Onion Grarrl Gobstopper, Chocolate Peach,Mint Chocolate Peophin, Creamy Choccywhip, Dark Chocolate Poogle, Dark Chocolate Shoyru,Mint Chocolate Kacheek, Toffee Chokato, Dark Chocolate Skeith, Fishy Delight Grarrl Gobstopper, Fluff N Stuff Grarrl Gobstopper,lemon Sherbert Jelly Beans, Caramel and Custard Drops, Mint Chocolate Lupe, Bullseyes, Neotruffle, Deluxe Strawberry Minty Choccywhip, Orange Chocolate Scorchio, Peophin Chocolate Medallion, Raspberry and Vanilla Nova, Spooky Flying Doughnut, Strawberry Fondant Surprise, Sweet Necklace, White Chocolate Nova, Super Spicy Jelly Beans, Yummy Drops and Double Chocolate Jelly Beans.
Title: Chokato Avatar
You need to have the Chokato (TCG) card in your inventory and you need to refresh.
Title: Codestones Avatar
You need to buy all 10 codestones, and refresh your inventory, with the codestones in it, until a random event shows up.
Title: Completely Random Contest Avatar
To get this avatar, you need to be one of the winners in the completely random contest.
Title: Darigan Knight Avatar
View your lookup if you fought for Darigan in the Meridell/Darigan War.
Title: Elephante Jazz Avatar
You need to purchase a 'Jazzmosis' concert ticket, then go see Jazzmosis in concert.
(Note:Once you've used the ticket, it's gone)
Title: Emo Usuki Avatar
Change your shopkeeper to the Gothic Usul image, and then view your shop's front page. Note: If you change the shopkeeper to another one and then view your main page on the shop, it will be removed. One way to avoid this is to simply keep the Gothic Usul as your shopkeeper or never view your main shop page again.
Title: Evil Fuzzle
You need to play with an Evil blue fuzzle. With your pet and have it scared your pet, These may take a while.
Title: Eyrie - Got Dubloons? Avatar
To get this avatar, you need to train your pet at the Swashbuckling Academy, once the course is over, you will get the avatar.
Title: Faboo Avatar
You need to purchase an item from the Uni Clothing Store that is rarity 80+.
Title: Feed Me! Avatar
You need to feed a skeith anything with the word 'skeith' in it. You can use a Blue Skeith Keyring as it's very cheap.
Title: Gallery of Evil Vira Avatar
Have an any item with "Mirror" in the name. Then visit the Gallery of Evil - Vira.
Title: Garlic! Run!! Avatar
The cheapest way to get this avatar is to go buy a 'leek' or an 'organic leek' and then change your Language Setting is 'Portugese', while viewing the site in Portugese, feed your pet the 'leek' or the 'organic leek'. You should get the avatar these way. Then change the setting back to English.
Title: Gnome Avatar
Have an item with the word "Gnome" sitting in your inventory and refresh Garden Shop.
Title: Groovy Chomby Avatar
You must purchase a Chomby and the Fungus Balls concert ticket on a day the band is showing in the Conert Hall to get this avatar.
Title: Heermeedjet Avatar
You need to defeat one of the Meerca Brothers to claim -one- of these avatars.
Title: I Love My Rock Avatar
You need to get a 'Sticks and Stones' concert ticket, on a day that the band is playing and go watch it here
Title: I'm Smelly Avatar
You need to have 10 (more or less) 'dung' items in your inventory. (meaning it has the word 'dung' in it). It's all random on how many items you need. IT could be more, it could be less. Refresh your inventory until a random event pops up. If it doesn't show up try adding more items, or refresh more then once.
Title: Island Mystic Avatar:
You need to vist the Island Mystic and your fortune needs to have the word Kyrii in it.
Title: Jetsam Chomp Avatar
Feed your Jetsam a Pepito, or any other aquatic petpet, to get this avatar.
Title: Jetsam Wanna Fight Avatar
Challenge a Jetsam and win OR loss the fight in the battledome, if you own a Jetsam, just challenge another pet and win OR loss.
Title: Kasuki Lu - Heeyah! Avatar
Purchase a Kasuki Lu trading card. Then go view it's full profile, in your inventory to get Kasuki Lu, to get him as a battledome challenger. then you need to go defeat him in the battledome, to get this avatar.
Title: Kiko Ninja Avatar
Have the "Niten Hiroru" card in your Inventory. Then visit this Neopedia article.
Title: Kiosk Wocky Avatar
To get this avatar, you need to win something when you scratch one of the koisk's scrath cards.
Title: Let It Snow! Avatar
You need to have an Icy Snowflake in your inventory and go to the Terror Mountain Weather page
Title: Mad About Orange Avatar
You need to have 10 (more or less) 'orange' items in your inventory. (meaning it has the word 'orange' in it). It's all random on how many items you need. IT could be more, it could be less. Refresh your inventory until a random event pops up. If it doesn't show up try adding more items, or refresh more then once.
Title: Magical Kauvara
Use any morphing potion on one of your pets.
Title: Meerouladen Avatar
You need to defeat the Meerca Brothers to get -one- of these avatars.
Title: Meridell Knight Avatar
View your lookup if you fought for Meridell in the Meridell/Darigan War.
Title: Mutant Kacheek Doomed Avatar
Go to the Game Graveyard and refresh till you get the avatar.
Title: Neomail Addict Avatar
You can get this avatar randomly when NeoMailing. You can also get this by signing up for Neopets Premium Webpack.
Title: NT Star Avatar
You need to have published an article in the Neopian Times. However, you need to have had been published at least 10 times.
Title: Packrat Avatar
You need to have 1000+ different items in your Safety Deposit Box.
Title: Pant Devil Taunt Avatar
You need to have something of 'value' worth over a million neopoints. You can get something from the Hidden Towers, but Tiki Armour works just as well. Have these item in your inventory, and refresh until a random event shows up at the bottom.
Title: Pwned Lab Ray Avatar
Your pet must undergo a species change at the Lab Ray.
Title: Queen Fyora Avatar
Buy a Faerie Queen Doll, and let your pet play with it.
Title: Snowager Rawr Avatar
Random Event:When you get blasted by the Snowager.
Title: Soup Faerie Avatar
You need to feed your pet at the Soup Kitchen
Title: Taelia the Snow Faerie Avatar
You simply need to complete one of the Snow Faerie Quests.
Title: Toasty! Avatar
Get any item with the word 'bread' in it then visit Techo Mountain.
Title: Tooth Faerie Faerie Avatar
Random Event.
Title: Turmy Avatar
Have your equipped Petpet eaten by Turmaculus.
Retired Avatars.
Title: "I saved Mystery Island" - - - Retired
If you were the 10,000 person or better to solve the Mystery Island Plot correctly to recive this avatar.
Title: Attack Pea Avatar - Retired
You could have gotten these avatar by visiting the Advent Calendar on December 4th, 2003.
Title: Easter Bunny Avatar - Retired
You needed to have sent these Neogreeting to someone to get this avatar. It was available only on April 9th to April 11th.
Title: Free Jhuidah Avatar - - - Retired
This avatar was available during Mystery Island Valcano Plot. But if we could reverse time and get this, you would get this avatar by Having Tagobo Potion in your Inventory and then Visit the Rock Pool. Then click on the Jhuidah in the bowl to free her.
Title: Gadgadsbogen! Avatar - Retired
You needed to have viewed this Neopedia on Gadgadsbogen Day to get this avatar.
Title: Illusen Doll Avatar - Retired
You needed to have completed a quest from Illusen on Illusen day, that was March, 17th.
Title: Jhudora Oh Yeah - Retired
You had to have completed one of Jhudora's quests on Jhudora Day.
Title: Plushie Nova Retired
This avatar was given out as a Mcdonalds Daily Giveaway page on May 31th.
Title: Quiguki April Fools Avatar - Retired
You should have gone to the News Page on April Fools day 04/01/2004, to get this avatar.
Title: TCG - Wanna Play? Avatar - Retired
You needed to have guessed atleast one person out of Captian Canada, Dom Dread, Dragona, and Warren in their correct places in the TCG - Meridell Staff Tournament.
Title: TCG Champion Avatar Retired
The avatar is Technically retired, it was only given out to the people who won the TCG tourny in real life during May. it was also given out to the people who scored atleast 1 point in the Staff's Sloth TCG game.
Title: TCG Wizard Avatar - - - Retired
You had to have guessed the winning staff contestants correctly in the Neopets TCG Tournament.
Title: Valentine Chia Avatar - Retired
You needed to send someone these Neogreeting to get this avatar on Valenties Days, 2004.
Title: Volcano Reward Avatar - - - Retired
You had to be the first 75 people to solve the Mystery Island Plot correctly. Then, TNT will send you the avatar.