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Faerie Crossword

February 10

5. ONE
13. OUCH
15. SPY
10. NOVA
12. ART

Daily Puzzle

February 10

Which of the following Lost Desert fruits is not really a fruit at all?


Quick Links

Neopets Shop Layouts

See below a variety of Neopets Shop Layouts. We always love to hear suggestions for specific ones you may be interested in using, so please contact us for suggestions! 🙂

Meridell Supporter

table .sidebar, .sidebarModule, #ban, div.medText, .user, hr, #footer img, #ad-slug-wrapper-btf, #pushdown_banner_btf, .sf {
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#header {
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body, #main, #content, .content, table, div, td {
	font: 9pt helvetica;

body, #main {

background: #d9dbd4;
#main {
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        background: #fff;

text-align: center; 

.content, #content {

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        background: url("");
        width: 1100px !important;

#template_nav, #nst {
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.contentModuleTable {
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ul.dropdown {
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ul.dropdown a {
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#main a:hover, a b:hover {
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#content a b, a {
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#content a:hover b, a:hover {
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#main b, b {
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.content td img {
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	width: 65px;
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#footer {
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	height: 170px;
	width: 1100px;
	overflow: hidden;
#blog {
	background: #e2eef6;
padding: 10px;
	width: 60%;
<div id="blog">
<p><b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <a href="/">dolor</a> sit amet, noluisse lobortis ad has, definiebas dissentiet repudiandae an est, sed eu autem latine comprehensam. Sea sale deseruisse no. Eos duis paulo cu, et falli omittantur vis. Modus iuvaret in ius. Vim sale vivendo an, et reque explicari pro. Illud oporteat no sea, an est graece scriptorem, ex quo phaedrum lobortis.</p>

Up up and away!

table .sidebar, .sidebarModule, #ban, div.medText, .user, hr, #footer img, #ad-slug-wrapper-btf, #pushdown_banner_btf, .sf {
	width: 0px !important;
	height: 0px !important;
	border: 0px !important;
	padding: 0px !important;
	overflow: hidden !important;
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#header {
	background: url("") no-repeat;
	height: 526px;
	width: 1100px;
	border: none;
body, #main, #content, .content, table, div, td {
	font: 9pt helvetica;
body, #main {
	background: #fff;
#main {
	width: 1100px;
	border: 0px;
	padding-top: 0px;
.content, #content {
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#template_nav, #nst {
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.contentModuleTable {
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ul.dropdown {
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ul.dropdown a {
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#main a, a b, .medText {
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a, a b, #main a, #main a b, #blog a, #blog a b {
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#main a:hover, a b:hover {
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#content a b, a {
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#content a:hover b, a:hover {
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#main b, b {
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.content td img {
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	height: auto;
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#footer {
	background: url("") no-repeat;
	height: 170px;
	width: 1095px;
	overflow: hidden;
#blog {
	background: #e2eef6;
padding: 10px;
	width: 60%;
<div id="blog">
<p><b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <a href="/">dolor</a> sit amet, noluisse lobortis ad has, definiebas dissentiet repudiandae an est, sed eu autem latine comprehensam. Sea sale deseruisse no. Eos duis paulo cu, et falli omittantur vis. Modus iuvaret in ius. Vim sale vivendo an, et reque explicari pro. Illud oporteat no sea, an est graece scriptorem, ex quo phaedrum lobortis.</p>

Every Winter has a Spring…

table .sidebar, .sidebarModule, #ban, div.medText, .user, hr, #footer img, #ad-slug-wrapper-btf, #pushdown_banner_btf {
	width: 0px !important;
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	padding: 0px !important;
	overflow: hidden !important;
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#header {
	background: url(“”) no-repeat;
	height: 650px;
	width: 1100px;
	border: none;
body, #main, #content, .content, table, div, td {
	font: 10pt helvetica;
body, #main {
	background: #b1b1b1;
#main {
	width: 1100px;
	border: 0px;

.content, #content {
	background: url(“”);
	width: 1100px !important;

text-align: center; 

#nst {

#template_nav {
width: 850px;
height: 90px;
	padding-top: 15px;
padding-left: 35px;

.contentModuleTable {
	width: 100px;

ul.dropdown {

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border-color: #75574d;
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ul.dropdown a {
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#main a, a b, .medText {
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a, a b, #main a, #main a b, #blog a, #blog a b {
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#main a:hover, a b:hover {
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#content a b, a {

#content a:hover b, a:hover {
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#main b, b {
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.content td img {
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.content td:hover img {
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#blog {
	background: url() center bottom no-repeat;

	width: 60%;


<div id=”blog”>
<p><b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <a href=”/”>dolor</a> sit amet, noluisse lobortis ad has, definiebas dissentiet repudiandae an est, sed eu autem latine comprehensam. Sea sale deseruisse no. Eos duis paulo cu, et falli omittantur vis. Modus iuvaret in ius. Vim sale vivendo an, et reque explicari pro. Illud oporteat no sea, an est graece scriptorem, ex quo phaedrum lobortis.</p>

Holiday Trees

<div id=”blog”>
<p><b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <a href=”/”>dolor</a> sit amet, noluisse lobortis ad has, definiebas dissentiet repudiandae an est, sed eu autem latine comprehensam. Sea sale deseruisse no. Eos duis paulo cu, et falli omittantur vis. Modus iuvaret in ius. Vim sale vivendo an, et reque explicari pro. Illud oporteat no sea, an est graece scriptorem, ex quo phaedrum lobortis.</p>

body {
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hr, #footer, .sidebar, .sidebarModule, .sidebarTable, .sidebar img, .sidebar .medText, .neofriend, .activePetInfo, .activePetInfo table td, .sidebar .sf, .activePet, .content .medText, .neofriendUsername, .neofriendInfo, #header img, .user, #nst, #ban {
	height: 0px !important;
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#header #navigation img {
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#navigation {
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padding-top: 150px;
#header {
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height: 220px;
#main {
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.content, #content {
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#content {
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.content {
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.content td {
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.content table img {
float: left;
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border: 0px;
.content table {
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td, div {
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b, strong {
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b a:hover, a:hover b, a:hover {
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ul.dropdown {
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li:hover ul.dropdown a {
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#blog {
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height: 50px;
text-align: center;
padding: 5px;

‘Tis The Season

table .sidebar, .sidebarModule, #ban, div.medText, .user, hr, #footer img, #ad-slug-wrapper-btf, #pushdown_banner_btf {
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	padding: 0px !important;
	overflow: hidden !important;
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#header {
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body, #main, #content, .content, table, div, td {
	font: 10pt helvetica;
body, #main {
	background: #8ab4b6;
#main {
	width: 1100px;
	border: 0px;

.content, #content {
	background: url(“”);
	width: 1100px !important;
text-align: center; 

#nst {

#template_nav {
width: 850px;
height: 70px;
	padding-top: 8px;
padding-left: 35px;

.contentModuleTable {
	width: 100px;

ul.dropdown {

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border-color: #ffffff;
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ul.dropdown a {
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#main a, a b, .medText {
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a, a b, #main a, #main a b, #blog a, #blog a b {
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#main a:hover, a b:hover {
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#content a b, a {

#content a:hover b, a:hover {
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#main b, b {
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.content td img {
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.content td:hover img {
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#blog {
	background: url() center bottom no-repeat;

	width: 60%;

<div id=”blog”>
<p><b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <a href=”/”>dolor</a> sit amet, noluisse lobortis ad has, definiebas dissentiet repudiandae an est, sed eu autem latine comprehensam. Sea sale deseruisse no. Eos duis paulo cu, et falli omittantur vis. Modus iuvaret in ius. Vim sale vivendo an, et reque explicari pro. Illud oporteat no sea, an est graece scriptorem, ex quo phaedrum lobortis.</p>

Cozy Cafe

<p><b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <a href="/">dolor</a> sit amet, noluisse lobortis ad has, definiebas dissentiet repudiandae an est, sed eu autem latine comprehensam.</p>

table .sidebar, .sidebarModule, #ban, div.medText, .user, hr, #footer img, #ad-slug-wrapper-btf, #pushdown_banner_btf, .sf, #nst, #navigation {
	width: 0px !important;
	height: 0px !important;
	border: 0px !important;
	padding: 0px !important;
	overflow: hidden !important;
	float: left;
#header {
	background: url("") center no-repeat;
width: 700px;
	height: 300px;
	border: none;
body, #main, #content, .content, table, div, td {
	font: 7pt arial;
body {
	background: url("");
#main {
width: 700px;
	border: 0px;
	padding-top: 0px;
background: #fff;
.content, #content {
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	text-align: center;
.contentModuleTable {
	width: 100px;
b, strong, .medText {
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.content a, a b {
color: #b33805;
text-decoration: overline;
.content a:hover, a b:hover {
text-decoration: none;
letter-spacing: 2px;}
.content td img {
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.content td img:hover {
width: auto;
height: auto;
#footer {
	background: url("");
	height: 18px;
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	overflow: hidden;
#nav {
	top: 0px;
padding-top: 10px;
	height: 30px;
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background: #482f13;
#nav a {
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text-decoration: none!important;
#nav a:hover {
	background: #c38f41;
	color: #482f13;
<div id="nav" style="position: fixed;">
<a href="/myaccount.phtml">Account</a>
<a href="/customise/">Customize</a>
<a href="/games/arcade.phtml">Games</a>
<a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a>
<a href="/nf.phtml">News</a>
<a href="/community/index.phtml">Boards</a>
<a href="/objects.phtml">Shops</a>
<a href="/mall/index.phtml">Mall</a>
<a href="">Premium</a>
<a href="/~BrevityMain"> credit</a>


Note: this is zoomed out a bit to show the blog; there is a hover effect on the items and a cute footer!
table .sidebar, .sidebarModule, #ban, div.medText, .user, hr, #footer img, #ad-slug-wrapper-btf, #pushdown_banner_btf, .sf {
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	padding: 0px !important;
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#header {
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body, #main, #content, .content, table, div, td {
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body, #main {
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#main {
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.content, #content {
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#template_nav, #nst {
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.contentModuleTable {
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ul.dropdown {
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ul.dropdown a {
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#main a, a b, .medText {
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a, a b, #main a, #main a b, #blog a, #blog a b {
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#main a:hover, a b:hover {
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#content a b, a {
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#content a:hover b, a:hover {
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#main b, b {
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.content td img {
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.content td:hover img {
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	overflow: hidden;
#blog {
	background: #FFDAA4;
padding: 10px;
	width: 60%;
<div id=”blog”>
<p><b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <a href=”/”>dolor</a> sit amet, noluisse lobortis ad has, definiebas dissentiet repudiandae an est, sed eu autem latine comprehensam. Sea sale deseruisse no. Eos duis paulo cu, et falli omittantur vis. Modus iuvaret in ius. Vim sale vivendo an, et reque explicari pro. Illud oporteat no sea, an est graece scriptorem, ex quo phaedrum lobortis.</p>


table .sidebar, .sidebarModule, #ban, div.medText, .user, hr, #footer img, #ad-slug-wrapper-btf, #pushdown_banner_btf {
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	padding: 0px !important;
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#header {
	background: url("") no-repeat;
	height: 650px;
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	border: none;
body, #main, #content, .content, table, div, td {
	font: 10pt helvetica;
body, #main {
	background: #c0702c;
#main {
	width: 1100px;
	border: 0px;

.content, #content {
	background: url("");
	width: 1100px !important;
text-align: center; 

#nst {

#template_nav {
width: 850px;
height: 70px;
	padding-top: 8px;
padding-left: 35px;

.contentModuleTable {
	width: 100px;

ul.dropdown {

	border: solid;
border-color: #ffffff;
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ul.dropdown a {
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#main a, a b, .medText {
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a, a b, #main a, #main a b, #blog a, #blog a b {
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#main a:hover, a b:hover {
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#content a b, a {
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#content a:hover b, a:hover {
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#main b, b {
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.content td img {
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.content td:hover img {
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	height: 100px;
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#blog {
	background: url() center bottom no-repeat;

	width: 60%;

<div id="blog">
<p><b>Lorem</b> <i>ipsum</i> <a href="/">dolor</a> sit amet, noluisse lobortis ad has, definiebas dissentiet repudiandae an est, sed eu autem latine comprehensam. Sea sale deseruisse no. Eos duis paulo cu, et falli omittantur vis. Modus iuvaret in ius. Vim sale vivendo an, et reque explicari pro. Illud oporteat no sea, an est graece scriptorem, ex quo phaedrum lobortis.</p>

© 1999-2024 Neopets, Inc. All rights reserved. Used With Permission
All layout coding and any content not containing Neopets images is © SketchedNeo 2006-2024.
Under no circumstances is any content to be used on any other website. All rights reserved. Redistribution prohibited.
