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Neopets User Lookups

Below are a wide variety of User Lookups for you to use on Neopets.

Just simply copy the code below the preview into your User Info “About Me” box and viola! A lovely new lookup for you to impress your fellow Neopians!

Negg Faerie

Right click & Open in new tab to see full screen
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</style><ul id="nav" style="border-radius: 10px;"><li><a href="/myaccount.phtml">My Account</a></li>
<li><a href="/customise">Customise</a></li>
<li><a href="/games">Games</a></li>
<li><a href="/explore.phtml">Explore</a></li>
<li><a href="/community/index.phtml">News</a></li>
<li><a href="/premium">Premium</a></li>
<li><a href="/">Link</a></li>
<li><a href="/">Link</a></li>
</ul><div id="about"><p>
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/XT7d2S1.gif" style="float: left; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 25px;"></p><div class="contentModuleHeader"> About Me </div><br>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas lacus vel facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas lacus vel facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas lacus vel facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas lacus vel facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas lacus vel facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas lacus vel facilisis. <p>
<a href="neopets.com">This is a Link</a><br>
<b>This is Bold</b><br>
<i>This is Italic</i><br>
<font class="u">This is underlined</font><br>
<strong>This is Strong</strong><br>

Spooky Woods

Neopets user lookup
Click for a full page preview
<div id="bio"><br><br>


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Spooky Sophie

<div id="bio"><br><br>
Hi and Welcome to my Lookup! <br>
Hi and Welcome to my Lookup! <br>
Hi and Welcome to my Lookup! <br>


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<div id="bio"><br><br>
Hi and Welcome to my Lookup! <br>
Hi and Welcome to my Lookup! Hi and Welcome to my Lookup!<br>
Hi and Welcome to my Lookup! Hi and Welcome to my Lookup! Hi and Welcome to my Lookup!


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Fyora Neopets User Lookup
<div id=”bio”>
Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here Your text goes here 


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	display: none;
body, main {
	font: 11px verdana;
	color: #000000;
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Illusen Neopets User Lookup
<img src=”https://www.sketchedneo.com/wp-content/usercontent/fileupload/Graphics/Userlookups/IllusenLookupTop2.jpg” id=”top”><div id=”nav”>
<a href=”/myaccount.phtml”>Account</a>
<a href=”/customise/”>Customize</a>
<a href=”/games/arcade.phtml”>Games</a>
<a href=”/explore.phtml”>Explore</a>
<a href=”/nf.phtml”>News</a>
<a href=”/community/index.phtml”>Boards</a>
<a href=”/objects.phtml”>Shops</a>
<a href=”/mall/index.phtml”>Mall</a>
<a href=”http://nc.neopets.com/membership/”>Premium</a>

<div id=”info”><b>

#footer, #header, #ban, #userneopets hr {
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Sophie Neopets User Lookup
<div id="bio">
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
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<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
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<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
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<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.
<strong>Your text goes here.</strong> Your text goes here.<br> 

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<img src="https://www.sketchedneo.com//wp-content/usercontent/fileupload/Graphics/Userlookups/UsukiLookupTop.png" id="top"><div id="nav">
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<div id="info"><b>
Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE 

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Bori Neopets User Lookup
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/NFM98rD.png" id="top">
<div id="info">
<b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here

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Juice Break

Meepit Neopets User Lookup
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/rxyJhpb.jpg" id="top">
<div id="info">
<b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here 

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Wocky Neopets User Lookup
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/cJ1XuLB.png" id="top">
<div id="info">
<b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here 

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Snowy Explorer

Snowy Neopets User Lookup
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/q6SN4Xe.png" id="top">
<div id="info">
<b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here

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Playtime Neopets User Lookup
<img src="https://www.sketchedneo.com/wp-content/usercontent/fileupload/Graphics/Userlookups/PlayTimeLookupTop.png" id="top"><div id="nav">
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<div id="info"><b>
Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE Your TEXT goes HERE 

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Acara Explorer

Acara Neopets User Lookup
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/8cc8vhb.png"id="top">
<div id="info"><b>
Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here 

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Tyrannia Neopets User Lookup
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/cOcNQzi.png" id="top">
<div id="petover"><img src="https://pets.neopets.com/cp/692j9c4x/1/4.png"></div>
<div id="info"><b>
Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here Your Text Goes Here 

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Faerie Pteri

Petri Neopets User Lookup
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/zVXb9NG.jpg" id="top">
<div id="info">
<b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here 

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Maraqua Neopets User Lookup
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/u3rvRVz.jpg" id="top">
<div id="info">
<b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here <b>Your Text Goes Here</b> Your Text Goes Here 

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